As the semester is now starting to get going, so too will most habits of Harvard undergrads—including the necessary excursions to find cheap late-night sustenance.

But if you head over to Pinocchio's Pizza & Subs for a slice, you may find that it's hitting your wallet just a little bit harder. While the prices have always been some of the best in the Square, owner Adam DiCenso recently raised the cost of the Noch’s special—a combo of any two pizza slices—from $4.25 to $4.40.

“It’s the cost of cheese, just so much cheese!” DiCenso said. “The cost of everything, all the ingredients, just goes up and up and up.”

However, DiCenso said he doesn’t think that the small price change will discourage or upset many customers, adding that no one has complained thus far.

“After all, we are the cheapest deal in town,” DiCenso said. “Am I right, am I right?” he added, addressing the line of nodding and smiling customers in the restaurant.

"It's all about the pizza," said one customer, adding his own voice to the chorus of approval.

Yes, college students are stingy. But when it comes down to it, paying $4.40 instead of $4.25 seems like a small fee in return for the gift of a full-stomach and late-night refuge that Noch’s provides.

Photo by Nami Sung '09/The Harvard Crimson.