Welcome to shopping period, one of the most hectic and yet defining times of the year (good classes=happy semester)! if you aren't running around in between classes already with a criss-crossing schedule and no time for lunch, here are a few more things you should keep in mind before you take that leap of faith and put your favorite class on your study card.
Supervised Reading and/or Research. These independent research courses (with course numbers that typically begin with a "9" and end with an "r") require an application or a petition in order to enroll. Depending on the department, students may need to prepare a proposal or fill out an application for approval. Course applications can be found on the individual department's website.
Creative Writing. This set of courses from the English department requires an application with attached writing samples. Applicants should submit three to five pages of poetry, prose, or dialogue, depending on what is relevant to the course. The application, which can be found on the Creative Writing page of the English department website, is due to the Barker Center today at 4 p.m. So hurry up!
Dramatic Arts. Some of these courses, include the fall choreography and acting courses, require an interview or an audition for enrollment. No formal application, but be prepared to improvise.
Music. A few music courses, such as Classical Improvisation and Performance and Analysis, require auditions prior to the first day of class. Missed the deadline? You can still take Orchestral Conducting as auditions will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 7.
Happy shopping!
Photo courtesy of Jacob Rus/Wikimedia Commons.