This week, we'll bring you dispatches from fellow students in Lamont as they fight valiantly against looming deadlines and final exams.


Concentration: Biomedical Engineering (Engineering Sciences)

Time of Interview: 19:15

Location in Lamont: Level A, Morse Music & Media

What have you finished, what do you have left, and how much time do you have?

I'm finished with one final and paper. I have three more finals—I have a physics final tomorrow at 9. [She gestures toward her computer.] Just doing practice problems now. I'll be done after Saturday morning. That's my last one.

What did you eat last?

I just had dinner at 5:30.

When did you shower last?

This morning.

How many consecutive hours have you been awake? How many hours have you been in this spot?

Since 10:30 this morning. I was up 'til 5, though, in my defense.

I just got here like an hour ago. An hour and seventeen minutes, I guess. Since six o'clock.

What's keeping you going?

That I get to be home in a week!

Photo by Luis D. Urbina/The Harvard Crimson.