Currier House now has a swimming pool.

If you're suspicious that this is a late April Fool's joke, you're only halfway right. As torrents of rain came down on Cambridge during the past month, Currier was forced to close down both its dance studio and the Treehouse due to flooding.

In an e-mail to Currierwire on Wednesday, Currier House Administrator Patricia G. Pepper told residents that the Dance Studio will be closed for the rest of the year, and the Treehouse will be closed until further notice.

Pepper said that there is water under the floors of both rooms, and despite wet-vacuuming efforts made by the custodial staff, the Treehouse and Dance Studio still look more like swimming pools than they should.

Jena N. Mills '11, director of Expressions, said that the dance company normally holds weekly rehearsals in the studio, but they are currently meeting elsewhere because of the flooding.

According to Pepper, yoga classes—formerly held in the Dance Studio—will resume on Monday and have been moved to the Mousehole, another oddly named room in Currier. Dancers who usually rehearse in the Dance Studio can contact Pepper to have their rehearsals moved there as well.

Don't worry Quad; you're not alone. It looks like the river was affected too. Thankfully the sun is beginning to shine, and spring is in the air. Forget the river Gods. Let's all start praying to the weather Gods for the sake of our nearly translucent skin and severe vitamin-D deficiencies.