Yardfest is finally here! If you haven't already, check out our guides to Kid CudiParick Park, and Wale. You can also learn about Yardfests past, or read about other schools' spring weekend events. But now, we bring you the answer to an all-important question.

Patrick Park, Wale, and Kid Cudi are taking Harvard by storm or during a storm depending on the weather tomorrow, but some of you might be wondering, “Why is Yardfest on a Sunday?”

We asked Stephen G. Anastos ’11, the vice-chair of the College Events Board, that very question. Not surprisingly, the reason turned out to be simply artist availability.

Anastos replied in an email that “We would have loved to host Yardfest on a Friday or Saturday, but ultimately had to choose Sunday because of artist availability. We were confident that our choice of artists would be enough of a draw to make a Sunday Yardfest a success. Additionally, last year's Yardfest was held on Sunday to very little detriment, so that was reassuring.”

Let’s hope that the Park, Wale, Cudi combo proves Anastos right. But cross our fingers for mother nature.

Photo by David I. Fulton-Howard/The Harvard Crimson