In this four-part series, FlyBy will dish out the details of each House’s Brain Break so that you know where to go when those evening munchies hit.

Round 4: Currier vs. Pforzheimer vs. Cabot

Evaluation Date: March 3

Currier: B+

Brain Break Begins: 8:45 p.m.

Currier’s brain break left something to be desired. A healthy assortment of vegetables and salad was available, but the staple foods—bagels and varied cereals—were absent. However, the drink machines were operational, and the healthy food offered a nice alternative for health-conscious Harvardians. After the initial rush, there was still an ample supply of food available, though the supply faded by 10 p.m.

Pforzheimer: A-

Brain Break Begins: 9 p.m.

Pfoho was solid. It lacked the vegetables that Currier had, but Pfoho had what Currier was missing. The well-lit area included cheese cubes and had more cereal than Currier but did not have the array of options and special baked goods that other Houses have had. By the time FlyBy arrived at 8:55 p.m. the pie was gone, but all the other food was still there and no one seemed to be in a hurry to cause a shortage.

Cabot: A-

Brain Break Begins: 9 p.m.

What is with the quad and bagels? Cabot lacked this glorious circle of starchy goodness, but fortunately it had nearly everything else, including five brands of cereal and a full complement of coffee. Again, the pie was gone by 9 p.m., but there was plenty of other food. Unfortunately, much like Pfoho, Cabot lacked the variety of healthy vegetable options that Currier had.

Winner of Round 4: Pfoho