In this four-part series, FlyBy will dish out the details of each House’s Brain Break so that you know where to go when those evening munchies hit.

Round 3: Winthrop vs. Eliot vs. Kirkland

Evaluation Day: Wednesday

Eliot: A-/B+

Brain Break Begins: 9 p.m.

Eliot had the basics and then some at the beginning of its brain break. The compact area was host to all the items that are normally available at brain break, including that night’s special: yogurt, hemp plus granola, and HUDS granola. There was even harvest cake—the cinnamon HUDS treat. But by 9:50 pm the place looked like an elephant had gone through and there were no more special items available. Nevertheless, the standard fare was still in place, and no one working on a late-night pset would have gone hungry.

Kirkland: A

Brain Break Begins: 9 p.m.

Kirkland had everything Eliot had minus the harvest cake and plus a plentiful supply of food as of 9:54 pm Not much to say here—Kirkland fed itself well.

Winthrop: A

Brain Break Begins: 8:30 p.m.

Winthrop got the same grade as Kirkland for the same reasons that Kirkland earned its A, but Winthrop stole the show with a brain break that edged out the competition. Not only did Winthrop stock the special items and the standard fare, but it also supplemented the late-night snack with cocoa rice krispies treats and an assortment of pies. Winthrop would have managed to execute a flawless victory, but its selection of cereals was incomplete.

Winner of Round 3: Winthrop