Debates over how best to enforce interhouse dining restrictions have resurfaced at Adams House (the favorite dining hall of all those weary of trekking to Quincy), where students have gotten involved in the crackdown against non-resident diners.

Adams-schmooze, the House e-mail list, erupted last night in an occasionally heated debate—well, all caps made an appearance, anyway—about eager students who have taken enforcement of the rules into their own hands.

According to last night's discussion, student vigilantes have taken to checking student IDs during community night dinners, sparking comparisons to airport security measures.

At least if the checks were random, one student mused, they might be justifiable.

Though he disputes the extent of the vigilante action, Adams resident Samuel B. Novey '11 said that the overflow of non-residents in the dining hall has spurred students to help Lucy, the embattled card swiper, to turn away non-residents (including this correspondent) who often try to talk their way into the servery.

Adams House has a history of creatively cracking down on undesirable non-residents: last semester, Adams resident Vincent M. Chiappini '09, perched atop a stolen lifeguard chair, used a bullhorn to call out non-residents in the dining hall.

That effort was sadly halted when the MAC had HUPD return their lifeguard chair. But fear not, for rumors abound that the chair may be making a return to Adams.

Colin A. Rees '12, who advocated over the House list for the use of "ninja tactics" against non-resident intruders, said that he plans to bring the chair back by at least the halfway point of the semester.

And the bullhorn?

"You'll have to wait and see," Rees said.