Earlier this semester, we brought you the news of an unknown drunken partygoer who left his soiled underwear outside a door in Quincy House. Now, it seems that the putrid post-party pooping trend has spread downriver to Leverett.On Friday, Leverett House Building Manager Paul J. Hegarty sent an e-mail to the residents of Leverett’s A entryway, informing them that someone had defecated in a third floor custodial closet in the entryway earlier in the week.

"I don’t care how much you imbibed, but you should seek help if you think this is even remotely funny," Hegarty wrote.

How could this have happened? A student, who did not wish to be identified in order to preserve relationships with those involved, told us a bit more of the story. Here's the gist of it: according to our source, the culprit attended a party on Tuesday night with friends who live in Leverett. The student, who had become very intoxicated, was brought by his friends back to their room in Leverett. After waking in the middle of the night, he inadvertently left the room. When he tried to get back in to use the bathroom, his friends didn't hear him knocking on their door. He tried knocking on all the other doors on the floor, but when no one answered, he decided to use the closet as a privy. After doing his business, he knocked on doors again until encountering a friend who readmitted him to their room. Apparently, none of the students involved took the initiative to clean up the mess.

The student responsible, who did not wish to be identified to avoid possible disciplinary action from the College, confirmed the details of the account and said that he has since delivered a letter to Hegarty stating that "there was no humor in this incident, only a shocking lack of maturity [and that he] cannot express the profound disappointment [he] feels in [himself], especially knowing that a hardworking member of the Leverett House staff had to clean up [his] mess."

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.