An e-mail circulating the Kirkland House list reports that several students, and even Kirkland’s building manager, Resident Dean, and House Masters, were unfortunate victims of Kirland’s belatedly installed card access system, rendering them unable to enter the Dining Hall.

According to Kirkland’s building manager Scott Haywood, a private security consultant team conducted a review of House security this past summer, recommending that all House doors and dining hall entrances convert to card access.

For most Houses, the new card readers were installed during the summer; however, Kirkland was the last house to have all of its entry doors converted to card access. “We re-evaluated the security system and we didn’t have card access for the dining hall before,” said Haywood. According to the email, MAC System installers accidentally activated the system in Kirkland, prohibiting students from other Houses from entering the dining hall because the company had not yet installed Universal Door Clearance.

Universal Door Clearance was installed last Monday but Kirkland’s JCR card reader will continue to accept only Kirkland students’ IDs. In the past, Kirkland’s security guard locked the dining hall and JCR at midnight. Now, the lock will be automated and the automated door schedule will be modified to accommodate special events. Haywood said there have been “no more issues” so students need not worry about being locked out from Kirkland House.