Did you dress up as a burrito this year for Halloween? Well, in the years past, you could’ve gotten a free burrito at Chipotle as part of their annual tradition. However, the promotion was discontinued this year.

"It cost us a fortune," Mark Crumpacker, Chipotle's chief marketing officer, told Advertising Age. "And it wasn't doing a whole heck of a lot for me from a marketing perspective."

The incentive was replaced by a $2 per burrito promotion, and proceeds were donated to benefit the Jamie Oliver Food Revolution.

Kim Randell, the manager of the Harvard Square Chipotle, was excited about the change in promotions: “Instead of just giving people free stuff, now it goes to a good cause.”

When asked if the lack of free burritos was a deterrent to customers, she said that the number of customers was as big as it was every year, and that supposedly customers were aware of this change.

And for the students who wanted truly free burritos on Halloween, Boloco did fill this void for customers who said “Trick or Treat” at the register.

Photo courtesy of Amicon/Wikimedia Commons.