Are you constantly finding new ways to incorporate HUHDS ingredients into recipe masterpieces? Obsessed with the presentation of your meticulous food arrangements? The master of dining hall concoctions?

If any of these apply, then hurry up and get your recipes on paper—submit them to the new Food Literacy Project Cookbook.

The FLP is putting together a cookbook featuring recipes from the dhall, aimed for distribution this December. The best recipe will win fame and fortune (okay, free hot chocolate from Burdick's) and in order to win you need to move quickly! You only have one day to submit, as submissions are due tomorrow, Nov. 28.

So, whether it’s mixing peanut butter with froyo and cereal, putting banana slices in your waffle batter, or making a salad bar chicken-curry pita wrap, the FLP wants your ideas. Get those creative cooking juices flowing and don’t be afraid to get funky with your food!

This process is the first installment of a campus-wide FLP and student cookbook. Last year, Cabot came out with its own FLP-student collaboration, and many other Houses have done the same. Perhaps with the help of all Harvard foodies, a new creative tradition is underway—one that will bring the FLP cookbook to each and every dining hall as this project aims to do.

Photo by Meredith H. Keffer/ The Harvard Crimson.