While many of us are eager to return home to family and friends, it’s important (and worthwhile) to check your room before leaving for the airport. An enormous amount of energy is wasted each year when students depart from their dorms with lights still turned on, windows open, and water running. Help Harvard save money and energy over Thanksgiving break by keeping the following energy-savers in mind before reaching for that doorknob!
Heating and Lighting
Turn off or turn down heating in the building (or, if you don’t control your heating, shoot your building manager an e-mail letting him know if your room will be vacant).
Shut, lock, and secure all windows tightly so the cold winter air, rain, and wind can’t creep in. Notify building managers if windows are improperly shutting or have cracks.
Pull all curtains shut to avoid heat loss.
Turn off all lamps, computer displays, nightlights, and overhead lights.
Unplug, Unplug, Unplug!
Unplug all alarm clocks, TV’s, DVD players, hair dryers, printers, chargers, speakers, holiday lights, microwaves, refrigerators (if possible), and coffee makers. These all consume energy simply by being plugged in.
Turn those shower and sink knobs tight. Contact your building manager if you face any leaky faucets.
Do your part in helping Harvard to minimize those wasted kilowatt-hours and carbon dioxide offsets. Have a great break!
Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons.