The deadline for the Pre-Term Planning tool is coming up, both for juniors but especially for seniors.
Deadlines are staggered by class, so check out the PTP site to determine which cutoff applies to you. Seniors have until this Wednesday to submit their selections. Juniors will have until the following Wednesday. The late fee is $40, so keep an eye out for the deadline.
In case you forgot what PTP is, the Pre-Term Planning tool is a way for the Registrar’s Office to gain preliminary information on what courses students plan on taking. The data will help the Registrar’s Office gauge the demand for each course and plan TF allocations, classroom assignments, book orders, and other logistical concerns.
How do you actually use it? Visit the PTP section of the Registrar's website. If you want, take a look at one of the instructional videos, and then click “Enter the Student Planning Portal” and type away.