Has midterm season reduced your social life to bagged meals from Fly-By (no, the other one) and territorial struggles at Lamont? If you have unsurprisingly answered "yes" to either of the above, you’re probably looking for a way to blow off some steam this weekend. One possibility: the Club Ex party this Friday night at Adams dining hall, which has been promoted in a recent YouTube ad.
In the video, the dance organization Expressions portrays a group of Harvard students who sit together twiddling their thumbs in silence as a melancholy chipmunk croons Akon’s “Lonely” in the background. Mid head-scratch, one friend suddenly arrives at the solution: “Hey, wait! Isn’t that Club Ex party tonight?” he says. Donning some colorful sneakers, the troupe heads to Adams for—what else?—a raging good time.
If you choose to attend, entrance costs $5 in advance or $7 at the door. The festivities will run, in typical fashion, from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.—which might be just enough time to get your groove back.