Their House may be about 50 years old—just about as old as color television—but that's not stopping Quincy House Masters Lee and Deborah J. Gehrke from giving out some good old-fashioned House love, new media style.
This Tuesday, the Gehrkes decided to welcome Quincy House residents back from J-Term with a YouTube video posted on the House Web site. With the Quincy penguin dancing around on screen and an appearance of Kahlua chocolate mousse pie, the Gehrkes relayed information on House events that took place this week.
"We missed you guys," Deb Gehrke says in the video. "It was boring around here."
It took three takes to get the video just right, Lee Gehrke said, admitting that they "weren't very good at that at first."
But this won't be the last time the Gehrkes make it to the small screen. They're hoping to use YouTube to convey future messages to their students and to encourage other students to use YouTube to promote House spirit.
"Communicating with our students and letting them know what's going on in the House is always a challenge, so we decided to try something new," Lee Gehrke said. "We're hoping it will catch on as a way the students will communicate on the various activities going on in the House."