Last night’s sunset marked the beginning of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. A day of repentance and spiritual cleansing, today is also the day God decides whether (or not) to inscribe an individual in the Book of Life for the upcoming year.
According to tradition, Jews fast from sunset last night to sunset today and do not bathe, wear leather or perfumes, or engage in “marital relations.”
So, if students are walking around in suits today but don’t look to be headed to a consulting interview, chances are they are going to services - an ideal distraction from the tummy rumbles.
Services will be held around campus throughout the day. The list of times and locations is after the jump.
10:30 am - Morning Service (Memorial Church/Harvard Yard)
1:30 pm - Family Service (Memorial Church/Harvard Yard)
4:00 pm - Afternoon Service (Memorial Church/Harvard Yard)
9:30 am - Shacharit, Torah Reading & Musaf (Harvard Hillel)
5:00 pm - Mincha/Ne'ilah/Ma/ariv (Harvard Hillel)
8:30 am - Shacharit & Musaf (Pound Hall/Harvard Law School)
4:45 pm - Mincha & Ne'ilah (Pound Hall/Harvard Law School)
Worship and Study:
8:45 am - Morning Service (Unitarian Church, Harvard Square)
5:00 pm - Evening Service (Unitarian Church, Harvard Square)
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