Quadlings no longer have to wait “16 in” until the next shuttle. The shuttleboy text message system – a lifesaver for the many quad residents who have misplaced their shuttle cards on a rainy day – has changed its text message lingo. The once bootleg responses that abbreviated minutes as “in” instead of “min” and often ended with an ellipsis of four periods has started to respond to texts with far more normal parlance.

For example: “The next shuttle leaves in 28 min at 9:05pm and then at 9:30pm, 9:45 pm, and 10:10 pm.”

Granted, the text that prospective travelers have to send to shuttleboy is still far from intuitive. “For Shuttleboy SMS, text ‘SBOY A B’ to 41411, where A and B are the first 3+ letters of two stops!” directs the shuttleboy website. Such directions result in “Sboy boy qua” to get from Boylston Gate to the quad, phraseology that sounds like Avril Lavigne dreamt it up after reading Waiting for Godot.

Oddities aside, however, the normal responses are an improvement over the previous sign-off.

Happy trails….