Hey there, Quad residents -- Shuttleboy, your much needed travel companion, now has a talking version available for call. Of course, those of you who have mastered text messaging may not want to try the slightly more time-consuming phone call. However, since Shuttleboy's text messages have been dishing out error messages instead of shuttle times of late, you might want to pay attention:
Step 1. Call 617-284-2750 (or 617-BUG-CS50), and follow the spoken directions.
Step 2. Press "1" for Shuttleboy Voice (which is slightly pointless, since there are no other options from the main menu), and then then corresponding numbers for your origin and destination.
Step 3. The program will then tell you the next three possible shuttle times.
Finally, no more need to remember the "sboy boy qua" (or what have you) sequence. Easily spoken directions are a big plus.