If you were within half a mile of the Lampoon building Saturday night, you might have noticed something a little different.

But apparently, not everyone found the festivities quite so awe-inspiring as the Lampoon alums, who could be seen strolling around the castle in tuxes and dresses.

Pissed off Adams residents took to their House list Saturday to voice annoyance at the extravagant commotion in the tellingly titled e-mail chain "Drumming." Wrote one resident:

the lampoon, as always, is screaming "PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEE"

almost as cool as the finals club across from boloco that blasts music out of their windows whenever the sun is out.  real cool guys, i wish i could sit on a balcony and look as cool as you.  if only, if only.

But we at FlyBy feel compelled to give credit where credit is due. The Lampoon did a pretty sick job with what could only have been dreamed up during an acid trip of some sort. Bravo, good sirs. Now, if only you would publish more than five times a year....

--Photo by Amy Sun/Crimson