The VOID is that empty time between 5am and 8am every night where there’s no one on gchat, no sound but your roommate’s blissful snoring, and nothing to think about besides the work you’re not getting done. But you’re not alone, FlyBy is here to guide you through.

Bitchin about the heat? Not getting the extension you sucked up to the TF all semester for? Your prefrosh's neediness burn through your entire weekend? Awww, pobrecitas! FlyBy is so sorry...but there are NO EXCUSES in the VOID. Just do it. Giving up isn't an option...unless you want that transcript to look a little like this box score (can you tell FlyBy likes sportz? Too much of this video is true for comfort...).

At this point you're deep now, and as always FlyBy is here to guide you to the sunrise and beyond. Something sweet: quite possibly the funnest thing FlyBy has ran into on the web in quite some time...please, experiment--a non-sweet combination just isn't possible with this thing. Also, pics of the weird/creepy items to be found at the Neverland Ranch auction (still gotta love the music, though)

But for some deadly things: a few of FlyBy's favorite uni-themed tumblrs: Songsyouusedtolove, cutethingsfallingasleep, Namethatfilm, and Whitewhine.

Hopefully, at least one will tickle your fancy.


Photos: Wikimedia Commons/Maks D.