Bouquets of pink balloons and glass cases filled with dainty cakes welcomed enthusiastic students and Cambridge residents alike at the highly anticipated grand opening of Sweet in Harvard Square. The famed Boston cupcake boutique opened its doors on Zero Brattle Street at 10 o’clock this morning.
The charming pink-white-and-brown themed décor, nearly identical to that of Sweet’s original Back Bay location, features freshly varnished hardwood floors, café tables by the window, and a flat screen TV displaying Marie Antoinette.
The most popular flavor so far? “Definitely the red velvet,” confirmed the beaming lady behind the counter.
Miniature cupcakes (with a one-to-one cupcake-to-frosting ratio!), each under two dollars, and 25-cent frosting shots are also sweet deals for students on a budget.
Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to go stuff our faces.
Photo Crimson/Wendy H. Chang