In response to the recent brouhaha over the College's opaque-sounding process for making J-Term housing decisions next year, Dean Evelynn Hammonds has released another missive "to address questions that have arisen."
You know, questions like Will I get housing? and Will I get food? and, uh, Who do I need to bribe for those things to happen?
But never fear, confused student. This e-mail clears everything up.
To determine which students will be permitted to return to campus between January 10 and January 22, I have charged a small committee of staff and students, led by Dean Inge-Lise Ameer, to develop an application, guiding principles, and a transparent vetting process. I have asked the committee to keep in mind that there is a limit to the number of students the College can house during January due to reduced residential staff and because we will open only one dining hall during this period. Consequently, the threshold for approval to return to campus in January 2010 will be high.
So... I guess we know where to send the money now?