Hey there, space cadets, we at FlyBy just thought we'd wish you a happy 4/20 (4:20). While Harvard has a devastating lack of smoker solidarity, we still love walking by certain finals clubs on Mt. Auburn, where members apparently let skunks loose all over the place to mark this occasion, or stopping to appreciate the glorious smell of dirty laundry as we saunter along the river. What we're trying to tell you here, is that we salute you, you little stoners.

Check after the jump for some 4/20 dos and don'ts. Or don't, since you're probably pretty apathetic and confused right now. Whatever you're into maaaaannnnn.

  • DO: Listen to Afroman's classic stoner jam "Because I got High" and think how much you'd love to use that excuse tomorrow in section. Yea, we know the song is old, but believe us, it's still an epic stoner anthem. "I coulda cheated, and I coulda passed, but I got high."
  • DON'T: Tape over your fire alarm. You stupid stupid stupids. The first time you get caught smoking you get a warning. The first time you get caught with your fire alarm taped over, you go to the ad board. Think about it.
  • DO: Go to the Market and get yourself a pint of Toscanini's ice cream. Whatever flavor you like. We're thinking grasshopper cookie. See you there.
  • DON'T: Just listen to Bob Marley or Pink Floyd. There's plenty of excellent stoner jams out there. Ever hear of Radiohead? Expand your mind, man. Maybe look into some of these playlists.
  • DO: Try to spread the love around. 4:20 is all about smoker unity and whatnot. Like, get together with new people, share some love, etc. Actually,on second thought, it's not really about anything. But come on, branch out, meet new people. We feel like your mom over here.

Photo courtesy Wikimedia/DarkEvil