The VOID is that empty time between 5am and 8am every night where there’s no one on gchat, no sound but your roommate’s blissful snoring, and nothing to think about besides the work you’re not getting done. But you’re not alone, FlyBy is here to guide you through.
We at FlyBy never want to leave anyone (especially a 2012er!) out alone in the VOID. It can be a scary place. Trust us, we're here for you (unless we're out getting bombed...).
We hope your April Fool's went well. FlyBy, of course, was not fooled by anyone--many attempted, none succeeded (we will confirm our enviable stash of GOLD, but refrain from discussing how it's put to use). For all of you, we present (to those who haven't seen it), the famed College Humor Prank War, which finally updated recently with a new prank. How else to keep your brain alive in tonight's VOID? Share your April Fool's story in the comments! Help out a fellow could be the difference between someone powering through or leaving a little drool on the desk.