Buried in a Junior Parents' Weekend Q&A with administrators this afternoon was the revelation that Harvard may not allow some or perhaps even most of its students to stay on campus next January.

In response to a parent's question on the subject, Dean of Undergraduate Education Jay M. Harris said that due to budgetary constraints, the University may only offer housing to special groups, such as athletes in season or international students.

"It may be the case, depending on how financial projections turn out, that they will be the only ones who can be there," he said.

Harris didn't seem particularly thrilled about the query either. His initial response was "I was very much hoping we wouldn't get that question," though he did manage to elicit chuckles from the parents with this wry bit of humor.

"I can understand why one might be concerned about the idea of a student being home for four weeks."

Particularly if that student has a thesis due.