reporter. Why, life, why? First you destroy my I-banking dreams and now I can’t even write for a local newspaper?

As of yesterday, the Boston Globe’s City Weekly section, which covered Cambridge news for 17 years, has officially published its final issue. (Can we get a tear? Anyone? Hello?) The section was terminated in an effort to cut costs; local Cambridge, Somerville, and Brookline news will continue to be covered on, the Globe’s website.Cambridge news is now only covered in print by The Cambridge Chronicle (a weekly) and by us. Several blogs, though, deliver city news, including the Chronicle's Cantabrigia. We at FlyBy are actually quite amused by the massive list of less...uhh...newsy Cambridge-based blogs for those of you who might be interested in following a blog for Cambridge moms, or, our personal favorite, “Drinking Liberally, Cambridge.”

Well, City Weekly may prove to be just another casualty in the slow but certain death of print journalism. But it seems as if even Internet-based news, with all its “convenience” and “speed” and “accessibility,” needs gimmicks to attract readers. Apparently, if you send your picture to the people at Cantabrigia, you get a prize!

Ooh, ooh! Free Frisbees?! Sign us up!