Handsome gentleman, isn't he?  Of course, FlyBy reserves judgment on all such matters.  Seniors, more on your Class Day speaker--and the debacle that accompanied his...er..."announcement" after the jump.

Dear soon-to-be-departing seniors,

"The Senior Class Committee is pleased to share with you all of the information regarding your 2009 Senior Class Day, including the announcement of the official Class Day speaker."

So commences the e-mail sent to seniors eagerly awaiting the news this morning.

Too bad the class committee only teased curious 09-ers to visit www.harvard09.com, the class website which, much to everyone's annoyance, crashed as too many index fingers clicked the provided url.

But fear not! First Marshal Lumumba Seegars confirms that the official class speaker is in fact the esteemed Matt Lauer of The Today Show.