Did your Friday afternoon include a Thingamajig 100x, aliens in fuzzy dresses, and a visit to Planet Aloha?

Well, it did if you attended the debut of the Harvard Story-Time Players’ new show “Aloha to the Stars.” The group, which performs for children in local hospitals, premiered their show to an audience of 10 people—two under the age of four, one of whom slept through the entire production—in the Lowell JCR. Read more after the jump...

The play begins with the introduction of two friends: Bug, who gets picked on by the other kids, and Lola, a bully. The two decide to make use of “Interplanetary Awareness Day” and travel to other planets. The pair travels to a planet obsessed with working—a place that sounded oddly similar to Harvard—and helps a resident learn to have fun. Then they hop back into their Spacecar 2000 to head to another planet where they find a character that loves “floating, chilling, dozing, and sleeping” (Harvard students’ other favorite pastimes).

In typical fashion, the play has a happy ending—Bug joins the debate team, Lola practices being nice to others, and everyone is happier than an 8-year-old at Disney World.

It certainly wasn’t “Acropolis Now,” but my 3-year-old seatmate couldn’t have enjoyed it more.