Yale is so close to instituting gender neutral housing. Harvard...not so much.

Resident Life Assistant Dean Josh McIntosh will be at the Women's Center from 6 - 7:30 tonight to explain who qualifies for general neutral housing at Harvard.

Afterwards, he'll leave and there will be an open student discussion about why you should really get to live with your best guy/girl friend, OMG WHY NOT HARVARD WHY NOT?

Also pizza.

Deets after the jump.

Attend a General Informational Meeting

about the Gender-Neutral Housing Policy

Led by the Trans Task Force and

Resident Life Assistant Dean Josh McIntosh

Followed by student-only Q&A

Wednesday, February 25

Harvard College Women's Center



Sponsored by the Trans Task Force, the Harvard College Women's Center,

and the Undergraduate Council

Questions? Concerns? Comments? More information? Email harvardttf@gmail.com