We love Mather's vibrant House community, but some might argue that the House (with its concrete aesthetic) looks kind of crappy on the outside.  Well, now it appears to be crappy on the inside too.

We got wind that students threw feces down the stairs of Mather House’s B entryway, presumably making it smell worse than Lamont Library after live-in students stay there for more than a week before finals. And presumably making its floor sticker than the floor at [insert where you were Friday night].

Mather resident Vernon Wu '12 warned fellow Mather residents Friday evening in an e-mail sent over the House open list:

“Someone has left a trail of feces in B entryway staircase so do not touch the banister as you use it," he wrote. "Especially be careful on the first flr [sic] as it seems like someone threw it down from the top of the staircase."

As co-masters of Mather House said Saturday afternoon in an e-mail to Mather residents: “one or more pranksters were at work in B entry last evening.” We at FlyBy think those pranksters must have been “at work” a little earlier, too…