Wondering what has been happening with True Love Revolution since October's blowup?
In case you have been buried under your P-sets all semester, a Crimson editorial piece by Silpa Kovvali triggered a series of heated exchanges on the net earlier this semester. Now it seems that the debate has reached a national forum by garnering the interest of two nationwide media outlets: ABC News and Newsweek.
The ABC article, "Hooking Up for Sex: Sluts or New Feministx" features the dispute as part of its exploration of the custom of hook-ups and its relationship to feminism.
Newsweek's November 6 article by Lisa Miller was entitled "Sexual Revolution, Part II: The fight over abstinence at Harvard." Miller seems to embrace the idea that abstinence can be an empowering way of escaping sexual discontent. Yet simultaneously, the article says that the polarizing "'one man, one woman' language" used by TLR may alienate individuals.
Despite this criticism, it appears TLR counts this article as an endorsement- they provide a link to the article from their blog under the title "Newsweek promotes TLR."