After last week's episode fell short of FlyBy's expectations, we were pleasantly surprised with our Gossip Girl cast, both the old and new. Jenny's character was brought back to life with the first day of school at Constance Billard. Lily comes back from maternity leave, I mean, taking care of her mom. Blair can't bring herself to adapt to her present environment and lives in the past instead. Rufus is annoying. So is Serena. Nate has nice arms. Hilary Duff and Tyra Banks on the show make for extra hilarity. Anyway, we've put together our assessment of the various storylines introduced in last night's episode. Some spoilers and ratings after the jump.

The Dan is dumb storyline.

Plot Intrigue: Painfully drawn out dramatic irony. -10

Power Play: Totally forgets about Georgina. +3

Rebounds within the first few minutes of episode on hot girl. +3

Hot girl turns out to be Hilary Duff/Olivia Burke. +5

Later is in a position to "consider" going out with Hilary Duff/Olivia Burke again while Hilary Duff/Olivia Burke makes puppy eyes at him. +3

DanFail: Lives in a cave and doesn't realize who Hilary Duff/Olivia Burke is. -5

Is so self-absorbed and oblivious to the paparazzi trailing her that his conclusion is she just didn't want to hang out with him. -1

Overall: -2

The Serena continues "finding" herself storyline.

Plot Intrigue: Okay, this whole "finding yourself" thing is getting on FlyBy's nerves. -3

Daddy doesn't love you. Now stop being a little baby and go get your Ivy League degree that's been handed to you. Just like everything in your life. -2

Job Interview Faux Pas: Throwing a gray blazer over a low-cut top doesn't make your top any more professional. -1