Yawn. FlyBy just watched the latest episode of The Office (“The Promotion”) and it was thoroughly unremarkable. Don’t get us wrong—we LOVE The Office. But this week’s episode seemed like filler material. Didn't you think so? See our evaluation after the jump.


So Jim has officially joined Michael as co-manager and Dwight is pissed. Really pissed. He spends the rest of the episode trying to foment a revolution to oust Jim (who, granted, has kind of been a self-righteous jerk lately). Meanwhile, Jim and Michael struggle to figure out how to distribute the cost-of-living raises fairly—since, due to budget cuts, there isn't enough money to go around.

Best Michael-is-a-Five-Year-Old Moment

Michael turns a conversation about toilet paper into a conversation about planets because of a certain homonym for Uranus.

Best Michael-is-a-Sweetheart Moment

Michael gives a noticeably deflated Jim his own “World’s Best Boss” mug. Then they sit back and drink gin as the rioting employees pound on the door.

Dwightism of the Day

“People are starting to notice how terrible Jim is. It's great. Eventually they'll rise up and revolt. My only hope is they do it sooner rather than later. If people here were our founding fathers, the Revolutionary War would've been delayed 10 years. Because Stanley Washington was napping. And Phyllis Hancock was still signing the Declaration. And Kevin Jefferson was distracted by a butterfly.”

Oh, Dwight. You were definitely not at your ludicrous best today. Your last line saved you, only because we think the image of Kevin being distracted by a butterfly is hilarious… and so plausible.

Office Gossip

Creed: “Hey why haven’t we ever, uh…”

Meredith: “We have.”

WHAT!? Is this going to be a new thing!? We did not need that image of Creed and Meredith. Could there be a more disgusting office hook-up? Gross. Gross. Gross.

In other news: Looks like Kelly and Ryan are together again. Andy went from believing he is gay to believing he is incestuous. And Jim and Pam’s wedding is next week! (Did you know they have their own wedding blog?)

Overall Rating: Mediocre. There were a few funny moments, but the overall storyline (which isn’t actually resolved) left us as dissatisfied as the employees who were denied raises.