...but still, every fall before The Game, the Harvard College Fund Undergraduate Committee holds its "Beat Yale" shirt design contest just in case the point hasn't quite been made. The eight finalist nominees have been chosen and circulated via email, and FlyBy has chosen a few of its favorites to highlight:

1. "Harvard=Kanye, Yale=Taylor Swift"

We here at FlyBy seriously enjoyed the hilarious recent pop culture reference of this shirt. After all, the Kanye figure speaks the truth here. However, we foresee one slight problem: Didn't the MTV music awards debacle create an outpouring of support for Swift and disdain for Kanye? Yeah, that might be one unintended consequence we don't want...

2. "Purell Yale"

Of course it is to be expected that there would be a nominated shirt referencing the swine flu paranoia from this fall. But the "Purell" jab really seals FlyBy's approval of this shirt design, as it is a novel—and relevant—word to describe destruction.

3. "Safety school, safety school!"

One of the perks of being ranked number one (and just being Harvard in general)—nobody else can shout this at every other school in the U.S.

4. "FAIL!"

Short, sweet, and to the point. Large blocky letters make the message that much more clear.

Votes can be placed by replying to the email with the nominees. The deadline is Thursday, October 29, at noon. And, as goes without saying, YUCK FALE.