This is basically the episode FlyBy’s been waiting for since we first started watching The Office way back in high school. And OMG. IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER. We laughed. We cried. We winced. We love The Office all over again. Find out why after the jump.
In this two-part, hour-long episode, the entire office heads to Niagara Falls for Jim and Pam’s wedding (finally!). Various things go wrong—Michael failed to make a reservation and has to sleep in the ice room, Pam’s conservative grandmother finds out she’s pregnant and threatens to leave the wedding, Pam has to drive Andy to the hospital when he tears his scrotum while trying to do the splits, etc.—and Pam gets upset because she feels like the wedding has been usurped and ruined. (We feel for her.) So Jim takes her to get married privately on a boat before they return to get married again for their zany guests.
Best Jim-and-Pam-Are-Ridiculously-Cute Moment
When Pam gets distressed because she tore her veil, Jim cuts off his tie and tells her, “Now we’re even.”
Cue the high-pitched squealing. We're in love with Jim again!
Best Nod-to-Pop-Culture Moment
The wedding party breaks out into a choreographed dance (a la the JK Wedding Entrance Dance). We’re glad they ignored Jim and Pam and went ahead with this. Especially because it prompted this gem from Jim:
“I bought the boat tickets the day I saw that YouTube video. I knew we'd need a backup plan. The boat was actually plan C. The church was plan B. And plan A was marring her a long, long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her.”
Dwightism of the Day
“Pam is constantly throwing up because of the pregnancy. If she eats something the fetus doesn't like, she is screwed. It's amazing: a three-ounce fetus, is calling the shots! It's so badass.”
Hooray for the return of classic Dwight! Runner up moment: when Dwight tells us he got Jim and Pam a turtle cooking kit (including a live turtle).
Office Gossip
Pam’s best friend Isabel hooks up with Dwight, who later gives her the cold shoulder for making love like a dental hygienist/country bumpkin. (What was she thinking?) Lucky for her, this relationship doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.
But what’s this? Michael with Pam’s mom? Not as gross as Creed and Meredith, but…wow.
Overall Rating: SO GOOD. We love Jim. Enough said.