Who, What, and Wyatt
The Sad Socrates Effect
February 22, 2013
I said it to my Social Studies tutorial sophomore year and I’ll say it again: I’d be a happy pig over a miserable man any day. Mill offers various reasons why he thinks few people would agree to become one of the “lower” animals, including pride, independence, power, and dignity. None of those things really get me inspired to be an unhappy human being. And I certainly wouldn’t care much about them if I were a pig (though future pig research may prove me wrong). Give me some slop and some mud, and you can go on contemplating the meaninglessness of life.
The Freshmen Who Won’t Be President
February 08, 2013
I’ll restrict myself to telling the evolution of one particular species of Harvard freshman, the politico, since that is what I know best from personal experience.