

The 10 People You Meet On Twitter

11th Twitter User
Ariana Kam

As I wrote in my last column, Twitter has existed for over eight years, and in that span of time the microblogging site has accrued a user base that consists of everyone and his mother. Having spent a substantial amount of time on the social media platform for this column and to promote my own #brand, I’ve noticed that most users can be sorted into just a few select categories.

The Celebrity: Ashton Kutcher famously beat out CNN in 2009, becoming the owner of the first Twitter account to one million followers. But today it seems as if every celebrity controls a stake in the Twittersphere, and one million followers is a mere starting point rather than a far-off aspiration.


Some stars take advantage of their online presence in order to shamelessly plug their next project,


while others connect to fans in a more authentic way by allowing us a peek inside their minds.


These accounts are generally not brimming with material that is insightful, profound, or in any way consequential, but they do tend to gain the most traction.





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