

The 10 People You Meet On Twitter

The Bro: This user is most likely in college or high school with a few college friends, and much of his original content concerns his excessive consumption of alcohol, lost phone/wallet/keys, or infatuation with Jordan Belfort. Everyday occurrences are legendary, and they always “be on their grind.” That being said, approximately 95 percent of his total contribution to public discourse lies in his retweeting of Total Frat Move and tagging his frat buddy, alerting followers of a potential inside joke among frat brothers.







Strict Adherer to Internet Days: Moments after the onset of hashtags, someone elected to establish themed days (#ss, #mcm, #tt, #wcw, #tbt, #fbf), providing Internet users with an insurance policy in the event they were unable to produce anything original on any given day. Casual users will maybe post a #tbt every other week and the occasional Woman Crush Wednesday if their significant other asks them why they haven’t yet. But certain users observe these guidelines with more fervor and resolve than they do the law, and believe they are on a mission from God complete the task week in and week out, not just on Twitter, but on Instagram and Facebook as well.

Which of these groupings is most desirable? It differs from person to person. But I’m pretty sure we can accurately pinpoint the worst:



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