Nelson's Rum
Why I Still Like Numb3rs
For the uninitiated, “Numb3rs” is a crime show about the exploits of Charles “Charlie” Eppse, a genius math professor who helps his brother Don, an FBI agent, solve crimes.
ISIL is Not the End of the World
Andrea Tantaros of Fox News, for example, mused: “And they’ve been doing this for hundreds and hundreds of years. If you study the history of Islam. Our ship captains were getting murdered. The French had to tip us off. I mean these were the days of Thomas Jefferson.”
'Do Honors to Revolution by Justice'
In New England, the employees of the budget supermarket chain Market Basket stopped work over the firing of their beloved CEO, Arthur T. Demoulas, who prioritized the dignity and well-being of workers. Market Basket employees make "well above minimum wage," and get generous bonuses and pension plans from the company’s profit-sharing arrangements. Fearing that new management might mean a change in these practices, workers refused to show up to work until "Artie T" was reinstated.
Don't Know Much About History
Consider that admission. The police chief of an American suburb does not know how to talk to his community; to paraphrase conservative columnist Mark Steyn, who wrote brilliantly on this topic, Chief Thomas Jackson does not know how to do his job. And he apparently needs the federal government to tell him how to do so.