
From Walk-On to Radcliffe Captain

The decision to join the Black and White has defined Leah Schwartz’s collegiate career

“In my three years here, we’ve always done as expected and never exceeded expectations, but this year, I think we’re really going to blow people out of the water [in this weekend’s regatta],” Schwartz says.

The Head of the Charles is not only important to Schwartz because of the opportunities it presents for her team, but also because it signifies one of Schwartz’s proudest individual accomplishments.

“There’s one thing I can say: for all my injuries and moving in and out of my boats, I’ve been able to say I’ve raced in every single Head of the Charles [since my freshman year],” Schwartz says.

After graduation, Schwartz, a social studies concentrator, has a job waiting for her in the investment banking division of Goldman Sachs, where she interned this summer. She believes her involvement in crew was a key aspect of the firm’s interest in her.

“There’s no question, the leadership opportunities with rowing have been amazing preparation for working with teams in the future,” Schwartz says. “[Crew] has taught me a lot about how to lead as a vocal leader and lead by example, which are both valuable skills.”


While Schwartz may have her freshman roommate to thank for spurring her initial interest in Radcliffe crew, Goldman Sachs similarly may have Radcliffe crew to thank for its latest hire, because without the skills instilled in her by her rowing experience, Schwartz would not have had the same preparation for a fast-paced life on Wall Street.

