
AROUND THE IVIES: Difficult Road Trip Awaits Men's Basketball

The Bulldogs rebounded nicely last weekend from their embarrassing defeat to Harvard, sweeping the Killer P’s and in so doing keeping themselves alive in the Ivy race. Yale should dominate Cornell inside in this one, as the Big Red simply do not have anyone capable of defending Greg Mangano.

Also, one wonders: who would Clifford the Big Red Dog root for in this game?

Pick: Yale 74, Cornell 67


Ugh, we’re doing this again?


At The Crimson, we’re not supposed to use the word "revenge" in our sportswriting, as it sounds mean, like something a crazy serial killer might be after. Instead, we’re encouraged to use a nicer word, like "retribution."

Nope. Not this time. This is for revenge. Only a little bit, of course, but last year still hurts. And at least a serial killer is nice enough to end their victims’ lives on the spot, rather than tearing out their hearts by preventing them from doing something they haven’t done in 65 years and then forcing them to suffer for eleven long months afterwards.

So no, this is not a do-or-die game, like last year’s playoff, but it would still be nice beat the Tigers and Doug Davis on their home court—even if Dan Mavraides and his villainous taunts are no longer there to make winning even sweeter.

But doing so will be no easy task. The last time Harvard won in Jadwin Gymnasium, the Berlin Wall was still standing.

Pick: Harvard 68, Princeton 64


After deciding to transfer from Toledo, Brown’s Stephen Albrecht originally committed to Cornell, then backed out and went to Brown.

Technically, Albrecht is only a sophomore, though he’ll be 23 in August. That means by the time he graduates, he’ll be pushing Abe Liu/Andrew Hatch levels of elderliness.

In any case, Albrecht would’ve been a nice fit in Cornell’s backcourt with Chris Wroblewski, whose numbers have dipped in every offensive category this season.

Alas, much to the despair of Mr. Cornell Basketball Blog, it was not meant to be. But despite not having Albrecht, the Big Red should still win this game at home.

