
Tweets of the Week

Published by Phillip Yu on November 11, 2015 at 4:38PM

With the end of midterm season (a.k.a. the entire fall semester) fast approaching, it’s time to celebrate! …with overdue essays, zero-degree wind chill, and the beginning of the finals grind.

Okay, so maybe it’s not time to kick back, and relax just yet.

But have no fear! There are a few things to look forward to: a Harvard-Yale victory (hopefully), Turkey break, and—as always—an abundance of fine tweets from even finer Crimson athletes. So, please, put down the Economics textbook for a few moments and instead enjoy some of the greatest tweets of the week, courtesy of Harvard Sports:

6. Kent Haeffner, sophomore, men’s swimming and diving

“That moment you get to class after a nap and realize you didn't put your contacts in #blind”

We’ve all had those days, Kent.

5. Jacob Luna, senior, men’s swimming and diving

Today in psychopharmacology: cheese causes autism

Kids, I present to you: Harvard.

4. Gabby Sims, sophomore, women’s swimming and diving

“When you can't decide what donut you want so you get three”

Please donut tempt me with your sweets…

3. Miye D'Oench, senior, women’s ice hockey

It makes no kind of sense that "playwrights" isn't spelled "playwrites"

Coming from a wrighter for the Crimson, I don’t get this either.

2. Molly Tissenbaum, junior, women’s ice hockey

I have a severe distrust of all people who order a small coffee in the morning... #why

So do we, Molly. So do we. #caffeineorbust

1. And finally…Harvard Athletics, with a picture of two bearded, identical-looking men:

“Twins or two great @harvardfootball QBs? Ryan Fitzpatrick congratulates @bshosch on the win over Columbia”

Will the real Fitzpatrick please stand up?
