
The Maple Creemee. If You Haven’t Yet, You Should.


It’s maple. It’s creamy. It’s at an independent grocery store near you. And it is now your duty to try it.

Maple desserts can be a mixed bag. Trader Joe’s displays the best of both worlds: Their “Maple Leaf Cookies” bring an irresistible sweet spot to the fall season, but their “Maple Pancake Snaps” have an irritable dryness that outweighs the delicate maple flavor.

That’s the thing about maple; it has to be light. No one wants to eat a maple ice cream and feel like they’re pouring maple syrup down their throat. If they did, they would just pour maple syrup down their throat. There’s a delicate balance between tasting nothing and overpowering the palate.

That balance just might be the strongest aspect of the maple creemee from Momma’s Grocery + Wines. Their take on what maple ice cream should be — a cute, classic soft serve — hits the perfect sweet spot of a light maple taste right from the first lick.



I correctly asked for sprinkles on my creemee, and they gave me a generous serving of the rainbow little guys. The added crunch of the sprinkles elevated the dessert to not only balance the palate, but also provide the perfect texture as well.

Momma’s Grocery + Wines offers vanilla, maple, and a vanilla maple twist — which I found out when someone walked in right after me also going after their deliciously well-known creemee. However, prudent customers should certainly go for the maple every time. If you really want vanilla, just get your fill of Oatly from the dining hall.

The strangest part about the maple creemee was what started happening as I ate it: Because my tongue was starting to get numb from the cold, it actually tasted less and less like maple as it went on. I’m not complaining too much though — that’s something you can’t really be expecting the designers of the creemee to combat.


Overall, it’s a neat dessert from a neat store. Will it change the world? Probably not. But is it a great way to make your day better for $4? Absolutely. The maple flavor is light and unique, the aesthetic is unmatchable, and Momma’s Grocery + Wine will certainly reap the benefits of this new, lovable dessert.

—Staff writer Alessandro M. M. Drake can be reached at

