
PODCAST: Affirmative Action Falls: Inside the Protests at Harvard and Washington D.C.

Pro-Affirmative Action Protesters
Julian J. Giordano

Students supporting affirmative action flocked to Washington to protest the Supreme Court’s decision ending the practice in higher education.


Fights erupted in Washington D.C. and at Harvard when affirmative action fell. In the crowds, a dozen Harvard student journalists set out to find what the protests — the fights, the fears — were really about.

Dozens of interviews. 10+ hours of tape. A look inside Harvard, from the students who saw it all.

Host Frank S. Zhou '26 joins half a dozen reporters to track down what exactly happened when affirmative action fell. Here's how it went down.

National Press Club press conference footage in this episode comes from C-SPAN.


First Place, 2024 Associated Collegiate Press National Podcast of the Year | First Place, 2023 Society of Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence Awards, Conversational Podcast

