
Editor's Note

In Retrospect

{shortcode-ddd2344161c1c4213fe45daf0fdcf8840e73928d}Dear reader,

Summertime is drenched in nostalgia. It’s the season for homecomings, reunions with high school friends, and returns to our childhood bedrooms, still decorated for an angstier, teenage audience.

It’s the perfect time to revel in this sentimentality. Earlier this summer, The Crimson put out a call for your writing. We wanted to hear about the works that gave courage to your younger self, about the characters you wished you could have looked up to as a child. We wanted the books you devoured on long car rides, the inspiration for New Year’s karaoke nights, the songs that make you feel like a kid again.

“In Retrospect” is our first ever Arts summer supplement. It’s a collection of essays from the entire Harvard student body centered loosely around the theme of childhood and art. Many thanks to my editors Caroline Tsai, Edward Litwin, and Lucy Wang, and my co-Chair Mila Gauvin II for working on this project with me. After a long summer of organizing, planning, and editing, we're so excited to finally present "In Retrospect."

Happy reading!


Grace Z. Li ’19
Arts Chair


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