
Editors' Note: When Arts Goes Normie

{shortcode-6652fdee5974296960b180342a3a4222460a654d}Naturally, because we live in the modern age of #listicles and have been blasting 2000s-era Disney Channel for the past few weeks, we decided to model our Editors’ Note after a true classic: Miley Cyrus’ “7 Things.”

“The 7 Things I Hate About You (Oh You)”:

  1. Out-of-ink printers

  2. Broken computers

  3. Scrambling for a dongle so we can use the projector

  4. Learning to CTP

  5. Dealing with admin’s slow functionality

  6. Fighting fruit flies (or are they gnats?) in the basement

  7. Mourning an Arts landing page that seems nonexistent

“And Compared To All The Great Things / That Would Take Too Long To Write / I Probably Should Mention / The 7 That I Like”:

  1. Really intense board game fights

  2. Riffing in the Groupme every other night

  3. Working on new projects and supplements

  4. Free books, films, and concert tickets

  5. Cheesy movie screenings

  6. Editing, reading, writing

  7. “And the 7th thing I like the most that you do / You make me love you (sha!) / You do (oh)”

Thank you to everyone at The Crimson for your constant support and dedication. To Hannah, Derek, Nathan, Hanna, and Kathryn: You are all such amazing and talented people. We couldn’t have done this without you.

And of course, thank you especially to the Arts board. At some point in the year, we realized that we weren’t just “Crimson friends,” but actual friends. Here’s to many more late nights spent listening to “low-culture” music, answering our favorite artistic questions, and talking about anything and everything.

Arts love,
Arts Chairs


