
Valentine's Day: 5 Weirdest Couples in Art History

Twilight: Edward and Bella
Courtesy Summit Entertainment

Valentine's Day is almost here, so let's remember some of the weirdest couples to have ever graced a book, a play, or our Netflix screens.

5. “Twilight”: Edward and Bella: It’s cute when a guy looks over at a sleeping girl and smiles. It’s not cute when he does this every minute of every night. If that doesn’t bother you, just remember that it isn’t necessarily her beauty or personality that draws him to her. It’s the scent of her blood. For some reason, this isn’t a red flag for her.

4. “Arrested Development”: Lindsay and Tobias Fünke: Two people could not be more different. Also, Tobias’ condition as a “never-nude” (yes, it means just what it sounds like) seems to keep them from becoming closer. Fights break out often between these two extremely impulsive characters. Tobias tries, and fails to be an analrapist (both an analyst and therapist, but you can see why it didn’t take off) while Lindsay attempts to champion causes just to prove something to her family. This is not exactly a “healthy relationship.

3. “Oedipus Rex”: Oedipus and his mother, Jocasta: You can’t talk about the weirdest couples in art without mentioning the original motherlover himself. Guys are always so nervous that they’ll end up marrying their mother, but Oedipus is literally told that he will. Does that stop him from doing it? No. Is he surprised when he finally figures it out? Absolutely.

2. “The Office”: Angela Martin and Dwight Schrute: From secret rendezvous in the warehouse to countless awkward moments in front of coworkers, Angela and Dwight are one of the weirdest couples on TV. As odd as they are, they do have one thing in common: no sane person would want to be with them. It all works out though, just as long as Dwight will allow cats on their beet farm.


1. “Game of Thrones”: Jaime and Cersei Lannister: It’s almost universally agreed that incest is weird. But incest is even weirder when it’s with your twin. As a knight, Jaime can pretty much have any lady in the land, yet he chooses his sister. On top of it all, this relationship has the potential to send the entire realm into complete chaos. What else would you expect from the Lannister family though?

