
Men's Lacrosse To Begin Ivy League Tourney Play With Yale

Despite the team’s sub-.500 record on the road this season, Harvard beat both Cornell and Yale and led Penn by two goals late in the fourth quarter before eventually falling in overtime, all away.

At home, the team will look to perform even better in these potential rematches.

“We only have the Yale game and that’s it,” Wojcik said. “We’re just focused on Yale, but it is nice to be playing on our home field.”

The tournament promises to be a shootout, as all four teams rank in the top 25 in scoring offense with more than ten goals per game. Harvard will likely lean heavily on its catalyst, sophomore attackman Devin Dwyer, who recently garnered Ivy League Player of the Week honors.

Dwyer primarily looks to create opportunities for his teammates with feeds from behind the goal, and he leads the Crimson with 30 assists on the season despite missing the team’s first four games due to injury.


Co-captain midfielder Peter Schwartz, as well as sophomore attackman Will Walker, will likely be counted on to lead the goal-scoring efforts for Harvard.

The duo leads the team with 21 and 32 goals, respectively.

The Crimson appears to be peaking at the right time, as it has won four of its last five games while climbing the national rankings and capturing a share of the Ancient Eight title.

If Harvard were to win the Ivy League Tournament, it would guarantee its first NCAA Tournament appearance since 2006.

“It was great to win an Ivy League championship and we’re all very proud of that,” co-captain defenseman Joe Petrucci said. “But we’re not satisfied. We have much, much larger goals this season and we think our best lacrosse is still out there. So I think the mindset is just laser-like focus on Yale this Friday night.”


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