
Men's Lacrosse Tops Quinnipiac in Close 10-8 Win

Opening the third period, sophomore midfielder Brendan Newman drove down the side of the defense and drew a defenseman before passing to a wide-open senior midfielder, Daniel Eipp, who then leveled the score at 5-5.

Following another Qunnipiac penalty, sophomore attackman Will Walker drove around the goal after receiving a pass from senior Garett Cambell and nailed the back of the net, giving the Crimson the 6-5 lead.

But the Bobcats never went away. Less than thirty seconds later, sophomore Ryan Keenan caught the ball on the crease for an easy goal to tie the game back up.

Harvard went ahead, 8-6, with nets by Mahon and Campbell, but Quinnipiac cut it to one heading into the final period of play.

With the game still closely contested, Harvard sophomore defenseman Stephen Jahelka, on what looked like a failed clear, threw the ball as far as he could towards the offensive end.


Sophomore attackman Ian Ardrey beat his defender in a foot race to chase the ball down, poked the ball as if it was a hockey puck past the incoming goalie and into the corner of the field, then scooped it up and found senior midfielder Pat Fiorvanti on the crease for an easy score.

“That was a really big goal for us,” Wojcik said. ”I think that was the one that really took the momentum and gave us control of the game.”

Quinnipiac responded with a goal of its own, but a net by Harvard with less than four minutes left sealed the 10-8 victory.

“We fought hard, but we need to improve on consistency,” Schwartz said. “We’ve had quarters that have been awesome, but we’ve had some that haven’t. We need to play a complete 60 minutes, and that’s what we’re striving for going forward.”

—Staff writer Theo Levine can be reached at


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